The Indian Auto Industry in total registered a production volume of about 8,06,755 units for the month of May 2021, this was a massive rise of over 4,67,267 over last year May 2020. Of course, one would attribute this to the low base of last year May 2020, due to the lockdowns and pandemic situation.
Nevertheless, we experienced growth in both Exports and Domestic sales. The exports grew by 3,06,378 units. and the Domestic sales grew by 1,26,348 units. Clearly, OEM's placed their bets on exports in the month of May, rather than the domestic market which was mostly closed.

The production in the domestic market stood at 8.06,755 units. If we break it down into different segments, the two-wheeler industry contributed 6,31,530 units, which was about 78% of the total Auto Industry. The two-wheeler industry grew by 3,47,641 units.
The Three wheeler Industry registered a volume of 46,577 units. This was a growth of 20,186 units. The bigger volumes came from passenger carriers.
PV industry was driven almost equally by Cars & UVs respectively. both clocked about 63k units respectively. The PV Industry contributed about 15.8% of the total auto industry of India.

The domestic sales to dealership stood at 4,42,013 units. This was not a staggering growth compared to the exports, for the obvious reason of local lockdowns, etc. The two-wheelers contributed about 3,52,717 units, this was about 57.8% of the total Auto Industry. The Motorcycles of course ruled the volumes with 2,95,257 units, which was more than 83% of the Total Two-wheeler sales.
The Three wheeler segment was badly hit, we experienced a volume of 1,251 units. which was degrowth of 1,186 units. Tough times for the three-wheeler production and domestic consumptions.
The Passenger vehicles segment which registered a volume of 88,045 units, was primarily driven by the UV segment. The UV segment contributed more than 50% of the total sales. A new surprise and one of the first-timers, the UV out places the cars in the total PV sales.

The export market grew almost 3 folds to 4,35,471 units. The volume of 4,35,471 units was a growth of almost 3.06 Lakh units. which was one of the best growth performances for a long time now. And all segments have contributed to the growth, Two, three, PV, etc.
The Two-wheeler Industry contributed 82% of the total exports. The Industry experienced growth of 2.6Lakh units. The Industry of course was driven by scooters with a volume of 3,30,164 units. The Quadricycle also registered 444 units. The Three-wheelers did experience some growth due to the rise in passenger carrier growth. The PVs saw growth in both Cars and UVs. Cars grew by 8,431 units and registered a volume of 19,673 units and the UVs registered a volume of 12,104 units and grew by 8,380 units. The Vans had a rather low volume of 33 units.