Sales Statistics of the States, Zone-wise:

17,41,234 cars have been sold in the first six months of FY19; and 16,30,997 were sold in last six months of FY19! Usually the sales in last 6 months is higher; but owing to lower consumer sentiments Kerala floods led to the downward trend. Even the festive season couldn’t better the decelerating trend.
West Zone has emerged as the Top Zone and is significantly ahead than the North & South Zone which have been placed No.2 & No.3 respectively. Do note that South Zone was pushed to No.3 while it was placed in second position in H1 FY19 (Source).
The Zonewise Toppers are as mentioned: Maharashtra tops West Zone; Kerala for South; Uttar Pradesh for North & West Bengal for East.
Top Selling States Ranking:

Top 5 states contribute to 42.1% of national sales and Top 10 states contribute 69%!