Around 1.57 Lakh Passenger Vehicles were sold in July 2020 v/s 2.1 Lakh units in July 2019. Passenger Vehicle Registrations topped in UP and was followed by Maharashtra & Gujarat.
As per vehicle registration data published by the FADA, car sales registered negative YoY growth of -25.2% in July 2020. As compared to 2,10,377 units sold in July last year; 1,57,373 units were sold in July 2020. Commenting on how July’20 performed, FADA President, Mr Ashish Harsharaj Kale said, “As India continues to open up, the month of July saw better registrations compared to June, though on a YoY basis Auto Sector recovery is yet to be seen anywhere near normal. Current market conditions are still not indicative of the actual demand situation on an all India level and retails continue to de-grow in huge double digit despite the low base of last year.
The Top 10 states in terms of Car Sales for July 2020 is as shown –
With 19,185 registrations; Uttar Pradesh was the No.1 state in terms of passenger vehicle sales for July 2020.
Maharashtra came in second with the overall passenger vehicle registrations of 16,149 units.
Gujarat ranked third and around 14,331 passenger cars were registered in July’20.
Haryana sold more cars than the likes of Karnataka, Delhi, Kerala etc in July 2020!
Karnataka emerged the biggest state in South India with registrations of 11,107 units.
The Top 10 states contributed to over 75% of the overall country’s registrations!
Statewise Passenger Vehicle Registration Statistics –

Source: FADA research
The Passenger Vehicle Registrations saw a drop of -25.2% in July 2020 v/s July 2019.
While UP emerged as the biggest state in North India in terms of PV registrations; Maharashtra topped in West, Karnataka in South and West Bengal in East.
Rajasthan, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh were the only states to report a positive YoY growth in July’20 over July’19.