A car often reflects the personality of the driver. And the essential accessories, the preparedness of the driver, it is said.
While buying the car that reflects your personality may not be always possible due to financial and other constraints, here we list out a dozen accessories that are affordable and available online, within your reach, and which can satisfy your whims. They are available on Amazon too.
1. Blindspot mirrors (cost Rs 150 to Rs 350)
Most cars come equipped with adequate ORVMs.And blindspot mirrors struck over the far edge of your ORVMS are just the right accessories to have. They reduce your blind spot further making your driver safer.

2. Tyre inflators (cost Rs 1,600 to Rs 6,000)
A tyre inflator is a lifesaver and a sound long-term investment. It also adds convenience and pizzaz to a driver, It comes in many sizes. Some can be plugged into a 12V socket. And some like the Mi Portable Compressor are rechargeable and just small enough to fit in a medium-sized boot or cubby, anywhere in the car. A small additional investment on a tyre repair kit too is a wise investment.

3. A Phone windshield/dashboard mount (Cost Rs 600 to Rs 6,000)
Driving your car while using a phone can be very dangerous. In many places, it is considered illegal and incurs a heavy fine from the Traffic Police.
Installing a phone mount on the windshield or dashboard is a good idea to keep the screen in your view as you drive. They also come with the facility of adjustment. There is also a model that comes with a magnetic mount, that can be clipped to an air vent.

4. A Dashcam (cost Rs 2,500 to Rs 9,000)
Dashcams should have been very popular in India, what with the high traffic fines as also the high frequency of accidents on Indian roads. The camera can be connected to the accessories port of your car and will transfer data via WiFi. It is equipped with sensors that can detect a collision and save the few precious pre and post minutes of the accident.

5. A superfast USB charger (cost Rs 400 to Rs 2,500)
Most handy to charge a rapidly dying mobile phone battery.
The best option is a Boat dual Port, that can charge in the car as well as at home.
6. A Trash can (cost Rs 200 to Rs 600)
Drivers usually carry a lot of munchies including toffees, napkins, etc.
Having a trash can in the car for the toffee wrappers and other such items is a good idea to keep your car clean and trash-free. A reasonably sized mini dustbin that fits into a cup holder and that can be cleaned easily is a handy device.

7. Mini door ajar warning lamps (cost Rs 400 to Rs 500)
Cars could have little light on the doors to serve as a warning to the other users, at night, in case the doors are kept open due to some reason. Inexpensive LED lights and a CR2032 battery can be installed on the doors. The doors can be controlled by tiny magnets stuck on the door jamb control.
8. A GPS tracker (Rs 1,600 to Rs 8,000)
This will help you locate your car easily especially in huge Mall parking, where it is often common to forget the exact location of your car. It is also mist useful in case your car is stolen.
9. An Inflatable bed for the back seat (cost Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,000)
The best place to sleep outdoors, in a desolate place, can be your car. Why not invest in an inflatable bed for the backseat. Would come in handy and be comfortable too.

10. A Car Vacuum cleaner (cost Rs 800 to Rs 2,000)
A nice car is a dust-free, allergen-free car. A vacuum cleaner, that draws power from the car’s accessory port; and which can be used on both wet and dry surfaces is a handy accessory.
11. A Bluetooth tag for car keys ( costs Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000 per tracker)
It will help you find your car keys all the time. This might seem like an avoidable expense but can often be very helpful and a face-saver especially if you are keyed onto many things at the same time and forget your keys hence go for water resistant. The Bluetooth tag for your car keys is a great investment.
12. The Battery jumper kit (costs Rs 4,000 to Rs 8,000)
Just the thing to have in an emergency. You could invest in a jumper cable too